Movie road trip: A cinematic site per state for all 50 states

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Blair Witch Project trailer still, image via Artisan Entertainment

Maryland: Blair Witch Project

Occasionally a movie can come out of nowhere. Without any hype, media machine or backing, one movie can become a pop culture phenomena. The Blair Witch Project was one of those movies.

Some consider this psychological movie as the last great horror film. The film sought to uncover the legend of the Blair Witch. While the story was fiction, millions of people were compelled to see the movie because of the hype.

Several of the movie’s scenes were filmed in Maryland. A large portion of the film features Seneca Creek State Park. Located in Montgomery County, the state park has more than 6000 acres of land. Visitors come to the area for hiking, boating, and bike riding. While open year round, the fall is the best time to visit. With the fall foliage, the scenery is quite colorful.

The final scenes of the Blair Witch Project were filmed at Griggs House. This historic home was part of Patapsco Valley State Park in Granite, Maryland. The house dated back to the late 1800s.

Prior to being used in the movie, the historic home was in great disrepair. Its use in the movie’s final scenes had people trying to save it. Although funds were raised to save the historic home, the state of Maryland destroyed the building without any announcement.

While the Griggs House is no longer standing, the Patapsco Valley State Park is still a Maryland State Park.