The moment that made us love Harry Potter the most of all


There are some extremely sad moments in the Harry Potter series and we’re looking at the one that made us love this little boy so much.

For many fans of the Harry Potter series, there are specific moments that broke our hearts. For me personally, it was watching Sirius Black die protecting his godson. But today, we’re focusing on the moment that made us love Harry most of all.

While we all have different instances that warmed us up to this orphan boy who lived in the cupboard under the stairs, we’re going to focus on one specific moment. When given the opportunity to see their wildest dreams come true in the mirror, Ron Weasley was a Quidditch champion and the best he could be.

But Harry? This sweet boy was standing in front of his parents. James and Lily Potter were with their son, hands on his shoulder, and he was happy. If that doesn’t make you want to roll up in a ball and cry, I don’t know what will.

It’s just a very sweet moment that shows us a lot about Harry Potter. Not only is he this powerful wizard who will, eventually, take on Voldemort, but he’s still just a little boy. He wants to see his parents again and feel the love that he sees his friends get from theirs.

Harry just wants that family he was denied and it is so sweet. This eleven year old boy doesn’t want fame and fortune, he just wants his mother and father. And if that doesn’t make you love Harry James Potter, I don’t know what will.

Next: Why July 31st is important: Happy birthday, Harry Potter

Do you have a specific moment that made you fall in love with Harry Potter? Something that makes him just the best? Sound off in the comments below!