Game of Thrones season 7 episode 3 didn’t waste any time getting right down to the moment most viewers had been waiting for: Jon meeting Daenerys. Naturally, Twitter had a lot to say about it, and the rest of the revenge-filled episode.
Between the heated words exchanged by Dany and Jon in episode 3’s first minutes and the mic-drop moment of Olenna going out in a poisoned blaze of glory, there was a lot going on in Sunday night’s Game of Thrones. And Twitter, as always, was right there along for the ride. Here are a few of our favorite reactions from around the Westerosi-watching web:
You vs. the woman you got stuck in line behind at a Starbucks#GameOfThrones
— The Ringer (@ringer) July 31, 2017
This episode was an unexpectedly funny one. Among the more light-hearted moments? Missendei’s elaborate introduction for Daenerys (“rightful heir to the Iron Throne, queen of the Andals and the First Men, breaker of chains,” etc….) followed by Davos’ lame-sounding introduction of Jon Snow, as “Jon Snow.” He makes up for it soon after with a passionate speech about Jon Snow’s leadership, but it was enough to spawn plenty of Twitter tangents.
"I read the books and followed the instructions." -- Samwell Tarly #GameofThrones
— Scott Rushing’s Unexpected Journey (@theScottRushing) July 31, 2017
Sam Tarly really is the unsung hero of Game of Thrones, so we’re all about social buzz that celebrates him and his understated awesomeness. This episode, at least, Sam got a little credit for his research and successful greyscale-ectemy. As our first thought when we got a glimpse at the Citadel’s jaw-dropping library was “hmmm, how does that compare to Belle’s library in Beauty and the Beast combining the two storylines makes perfect sense.
*trips on acid once* #GameOfThrones
— lu kim (@lucthoughtz) July 31, 2017
We also would have enjoyed a “*takes one introductory college psychology course*” caption for this one. Either way, Littlefinger’s mansplainy counterintuitive stream of advice probably makes a lot of sense, but it also sounds a little unhinged.
Davos: he took a knife to the heart
— Mr Mike (@mrmiike_) July 31, 2017
John: #GameOfThrones
Be chill, Davos! Another quietly funny moment? Davos overstepping his bounds in revealing Jon’s mortal wound. Though the subject’s changed before anyone can think much of it, the topic does come up again briefly between Tyrion and Daenerys, and we’re guessing that’s not the last time we’ll be hearing about it.
Waiting for Arya to arrive. #GameofThrones
— I Love Pop Culture (@iLovePopCulture) July 31, 2017
And then of course, there was that last epic scene with the queen of our hearts, Lady Olenna Tyrell. A glorious bookend to Diana Rigg’s masterful performance in the role, Olenna’s final scene was both heartbreaking and worthy of head banging it was so metal.
Next: Game of Thrones season 7, episode 3 recap: The Queen’s Justice
Drinking her poisoned drink with her head held high, Olenna washes down her impending death with an emotional knife to Jaime (and Cersei’s) heart(s).