What Albus Dumbledore saw in Harry Potter


When it comes to Albus Dumbledore, a lot of him is still a mystery but we’re going to look at what he saw in Harry Potter that he trusted.

Harry Potter became the golden child of his time at Hogwarts. No one can deny that. He had special privileges and he was extremely close with headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Now many would argue that that was because Harry was special and famous already before ever attending Hogwarts.

But still, he definitely gets special treatment from Dumbledore. Why? Because I truly think that there is a part of Dumbledore that feels guilty for what happened to the Potters and everyone hurt by Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

He saw what he could have prevented but didn’t and now it was up to Harry to finish what so many tried years ago. And I think that Dumbledore knew that his duty was to protect Harry and help him along the way.

Yes, he didn’t necessarily go about it in the best way but he still was there to help guide Harry when he could. Not everyone is perfect and that includes Albus Dumbledore. But he at least tried to make Harry into the wizard he needed to be to take on Voldemort in the end.

Now as for what Dumbledore truly saw in Harry? That is probably up for a lot more debate. I think it was more of a responsibility then anything else. He felt as if he had to protect this boy for what he knew he’d have to do some day.

Next: Why July 31st is important: Happy birthday, Harry Potter

So do I think that Dumbledore would have treated Harry differently if he was a different student? Most definitely but we’ll never know since Harry was, after all, the Boy Who Lived.