Sirius Black: What his death taught Harry Potter fans


Sirius Black is an incredible character to love and there’s a lot of reasons why. One of which is what he taught us about death and our loved ones.

I’ve talked at length here about my love of Sirius Black. And it comes from one specific thing: what his character teaches us. Now you might not have this kind of moment in your life and that’s fine. But Sirius teaches us to never take those we love for granted and he does it in a couple of different ways.

First, in his love for his friends. Sirius loved James and Lily more than anything and losing them was one of the worst things to happen to him. They were his family. He continually talks about his best friend and what he meant to him and it shows us that we shouldn’t take those close to us for granted.

Sirius Black has had so many hardships in his life but does what he thinks is best for James and Lily and protects Harry as best he can. And it’s remarkable because he does it for those he lost. In their memory for what they would have wanted.

The second time Sirius teaches us to appreciate those we love is when he, himself, dies. Harry doesn’t get to properly say goodbye to his godfather and to me, at least, it is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire series.

It teaches us, and Harry, that though we think those around us will always be there, there comes a moment when they won’t and we have to cherish them while we still can.

Next: Comic-Con and the one Sirius Black cosplayer

It’s not shocking but this is one of the reasons why Sirius Black is my favorite character. Who’s your favorite? Sound off in the comments and tell us who and why!