Shakespeare and Harry Potter: The talented actors we love


We love Shakespeare and we love Harry Potter but you know what we love most? The amount of Shakespearean actors who have been in Harry Potter!

Understanding Shakespeare takes a lot out of a person. As someone who studied theater in college, even I couldn’t understand ol’ Billy Shakes just by reading him. I’ve had to watch countless production over countless production to understand.

Today, I started watching Hamlet starring Kenneth Branagh (yes our very own Gilderoy Lockhart) and realized that quite a few of our beloved Potter actors also dabble in Shakespeare.

Which leads me to a completely different point: These movies are so good because of the actors. Granted we have our moments when the acting isn’t incredible but for the most part, these actors brought to life our favorite characters in a way no one else could.

And most of them are very accomplished Shakespearean actors as well. So I guess my whole point in all of this is that the Harry Potter series no only brings to life a story we know and love but it makes a lot of us go out and watch these Shakespeare productions.

For many, they see an actor they now love in their favorite series and watch the rest of their work. For instance, many probably went and saw Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead because of Daniel Radcliffe. And if they did so then they either knew Hamlet or went back and visited it.

These actors are helping to educate the younger generation and to get them to love William Shakespeare as well and it is a wonderful thing to see.

Next: Daniel Radcliffe is not just a hero in movies but in real life too

So if you haven’t, go and view your favorite Potter actors in their respective Shakespeare productions. You won’t regret it.