15 times The X-Files’ Dana Scully was the best character on TV

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2. Scully drives, for once

Maybe this is a little thing, so inconsequential that it’s almost not worth mentioning. But, as many of us already know, little things add up. In fact, small habits can be indicative of larger patterns, be that a sign of something good or of a deep flaw.

So, with that in mind: how come Scully never drives?

It could be that she’s simply uninterested in driving. After all, there are a lot of reviews that need to be done. It’s not like you can safely do paperwork or read a file while driving. Maybe she simply doesn’t like to drive and just lets Mulder do it every time.

Except, none of those explanations sit very well with Scully. It all came to a brief, but notable head in “Syzygy,” the 13th episode of season 3. During this adventure, Mulder and Scully are tasked with investigating the mysterious deaths of teenagers in a small town. When they get there, they discover further strange behavior amongst the townsfolk.

For all that they’re aware of the strange situation, Mulder and Scully are caught up in the wave of oddness and aggression. At one point, Scully bursts out with a complaint: how come Mulder always gets to drive? Mulder‘s subsequent joke about Scully’s “little feet” not reaching the pedals … well, it lands poorly.

At last, however, Scully gets to drive. This character note was actually inspired by fans of the show, who pointed out the inequality. Though actors and showrunners complained about the “nitpicking,” it’s still a satisfying character moment from this side of the TV screen.