We all loved Draco in our own special ways. But there were many times when he was just a little too much to handle. Even for us.
Draco Malfoy was a villain turned sad boy that we all loved and we’re looking at him through the years.
First year
First impressions are important to all of us. But they were especially important to Harry when he was just beginning his wizarding journey. It didn’t take Draco any time at all to insult Ron, the first person to be kind to Harry, right in front of him. Then he made matters worse by thinking this would make Harry want to be Draco’s friend instead. Oh, Draco
Second year
We all know you have money, Draco. But even though we all know this, he still feels the need to remind every one on an almost daily basis. To take it a step further, he has his father buy the whole Slytherin Quidditch team brand new brooms. With the understanding that Draco would be the team’s new seeker. It seems money can even buy people in the wizarding world. Unfortunately, it couldn’t buy Draco talent.
Third year
There is spoiled, and then there is dangerously spoiled. Draco is definitely on the more dangerous side of things. Despite being warned by Hagrid how not to treat a Hippogriff, Draco decides that he can do anything and ignores the giant. When Buckbeak isn’t impressed with Draco, the boy insults him and is attacked by the creature. But that’s not the end of it. Even though it was his fault, Draco has his father demand Buckbeak’s execution. The beautiful creature was able to be saved, but certainly not with any help from our blonde eyed devil in disguise.
Fourth year
Draco isn’t one to worry about being a coward. Either he already knows he is one, or he knows not many would dare call him one to his face. But he lives up to the term when he tries to attack Harry from behind. He is, of course, stopped by Mad-Eye Moody. Not just stopped, but turned into a ferret. He is, unfortunately, eventually rescued by Professor McGonagall. Part of me wishes she would have left him like that. At least for a little while longer.
Fifth year
There’s being a tattle tail and then there’s being Draco. Not only are we pretty sure he’s the reason Umbridge found the location of Dumbledore’s Army in the first place, but he went so far as to hide in a bathroom and wait for Harry! He catches him with a Trip Jinx and hands him over to Umbridge. But not before making sure that his father will hear about his ‘heroic’ capture.
Sixth year
Draco could be so awful at times, that even when someone tried to help him, he reacted poorly. Harry catches Draco sniveling in the bathroom, fearing what will happen to him if he fails some secret mission. Before Harry can say much, Draco sees his reflection and responds instinctively with a curse. He ends up getting hit by one from Harry instead and has to be rescued by Snape. Granted, the curse did injure him pretty badly, but seriously? Get a grip, man!
Seventh and final year
Even when he’s being good, you’re terrified that he is actually up to no good. At the very end, it seems Draco has made peace with not only Harry, but also himself. He even goes so far as to give Harry a semi friendly nod. But does he mean it? And what exactly has he told his son about the infamous Harry Potter and his gang of friends? I have so many questions!
So what do you think? Can you think of some other times when Draco was just a little too much? Let us know in the comments below! And as always, for more things Harry Potter, check us out here!