10 of the dumbest things Luke Skywalker has ever said or done in a Star Wars film

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2. Luke calls the Millennium Falcon a piece of junk

Which Star Wars film it happened in: Episode IV – A New Hope

Now that Luke has gotten over his missed opportunity to go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters, he has a chance to go on a real adventure. After he meets Ben and learns that they must go to Alderaan (Bonus: “I can’t go to Alderaan!”), they enter the Cantina and look for a ride. Of course, Ben takes point and tries to find a decent pilot and that’s when they come upon the esteemed smuggler, Han Solo.

Though Han Solo takes some convincing, he eventually agrees to take them. Once Luke enters the hangar, he takes one look at the Millennium Falcon and says, “What a piece of junk.”

What a piece of junk. 

In reference to the Millennium Falcon.

Dude, that ship’s going to save your life more times than you can count. Of course, Luke doesn’t know about the parsecs or anything. But why would you look at someone’s “car” and say, “Ooh, that thing’s hideous.” Especially when you need them to do you a favor and escort you across the galaxy. Like, that’s mean.

What’s worse is that it’s coming from somebody who’s wearing a poncho.