15 hottest supernatural men on television (you can thank us later)

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Eric Northman – True Blood

If anybody tells you they are team Bill, dump them immediately. You don’t need those kind of folks in your life. Anybody with eyes in their head and lust in their heart knows that Eric Northman is the better pick.

Eric is everything you need in a Scandinavian hunk—he’s tall, blond, and deadly—and he knows his way around a good seduction. The fact that Sookie was even torn between the two is completely inexplicable, since Eric was obviously dreamier.

Not only was he the owner of a very trendy nightclub where all the coolest vampires hang out, but  he’s also the sheriff of his territory and one of the oldest and most powerful vampires around. Although Bill has that Southern accent to help him compete, Eric has the cool-guy attitude and makes all the ladies swoon with his good-looking aloofness.

When Eric becomes enamored with Sookie, his hotness quotient skyrockets, because there’s not much sexier than a man who knows what he wants. And he definitely wanted Sookie. Sure, at times he got a little too assertive with his feelings, but you have to give him an “A” for effort. Sookie never had to wonder how he was feeling about her, and all that romance is the reason most viewers had the hots for Eric. And he wasn’t so bad to look at shirtless, either.