Star Trek Discovery creators are saying that no one is safe

Star Trek has a track record for only killing off red shirts or bringing characters back to life but with Discovery, apparently no one is safe.

Star Trek Discovery is already facing a lot of problems. First, there were a lot of delays on the start of the show. Creator Bryan Fuller had to drop out of the project and it faced push back after push back.

And then they are doing something that really doesn’t make me comfortable as a Star Trek fan. Apparently, Discovery is getting rid of the Roddenberry rule and honestly, is it even really Star Trek without that?

But that’s really beside the point. The latest is that apparently even the main characters are not safe. Entertainment Weekly reported that showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg have said that even the main members of the bridge are not going to be immune.

Red shirts always die?

Okay here’s my thing about this: red shirts always die. Well, yes Spock died and “technically” Chris Pine’s Kirk died but they both came back to life so it was fine. But if they’re planning on killing off characters, it is like this show is kind of throwing out everything about Star Trek that we know and love.

Here is what Berg had to say about it: “They almost made it difficult to fall in love with people because you didn’t know if they were going to be taken away from you. That show’s had an influence on all TV dramas that have come after it.”

Now here’s what I think about that: oh, come on! Star Trek is literally the franchise that made you fall in love with characters and want to see them go on. You’re going to tell me that Game of Thrones changed everything too much for you to not kill off main characters?

I mean I’m going to eat this show up and I’m going to love it but that’s not a great excuse. Harberts added: “Death isn’t treated gratuitously on this show. It’s not for shock value. But when it happens we want to make sure that people really feel it.”

Which again, that’s fine. But that’s not really Star Trek.

Next: Star Trek Discovery is not following a long standing rule and it is a bad idea

Star Trek Discovery comes to CBS All Access this September and get ready! It’s going to be one wild ride. Check back here on Culturess for more up to date news and reviews when the show starts.