Remember that Twitter rant Calvin Harris had toward his ex-relationship with Taylor Swift?
We thought we were over the Tayvin romance and breakup since it’s been a year, but DJ Calvin Harris was asked about it in a recent interview with British GQ. The relationship was mostly kept quiet, but the breakup was messy, and it’s all thanks to Harris’ Twitter ran toward Swift.
For starters, the Twitter rant took place after it was confirmed that the two stars collaborated on the hit song “This Is What You Came For”. Ever since news broke up, Harris claims it was Swift and her team who were making him ‘look bad’. When perhaps, Swift probably just wanted everyone to know that the two collaborated when Harris told Ryan Seacrest the complete opposite in an interview back in April of 2016. The song was released April 29, 2016.
But it’s not over. According to Harris, he regrets the whole thing. “It was completely the wrong instinct,” he said. “I was protecting what I see as my one talent in the world being belittled. It felt like things were piling on top of me and that was when I snapped.” While Harris may have been the one to make their breakup public, he confesses that the media’s reporting on the situation took him over the edge. “It’s very difficult when something I consider so personal plays out very publicly. The aftermath of the relationship was way more heavily publicized than the relationship itself.”
“When we were together, we were very careful for it not to be a media circus,” Harris continued. “She respected my feelings in that sense. I’m not good at being a celebrity. But when it ended, all hell broke loose. Now I see that Twitter thing as a result of me succumbing to pressure.” It’s unfortunate that Harris ultimately took things to Twitter but it’s over now, and it’s time for everyone to move on.
Many Swifties and those closest to Swift have suspected the pop star to be working on new music that will be released soon. Will Swift open up about her and Harris’ relationship? Maybe or maybe not. But we’ve taken a guess that “Better Man,” a track she wrote for Little Big Town tells the story of their relationship, and maybe that’s all we need to know.