Orange is the New Black: The 21 craziest moments thus far

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Piper hooks up with her ex-girlfriend

As soon as Piper is processed into Litchfield, she is confronted with some pretty remarkable personalities. Moreover, she immediately finds herself walking in on women in compromising sexual situations (notably Lorna and Nicki in the bathroom… and so many more after that). It is clear at this moment that we won’t be spared the prison hookup culture.

When Piper enters prison, she and her fiancé Larry make a promise to see each other every week, and get married after she serves her sentence, and everything will be fine. Almost immediately a wrench is thrown into that plan when Piper finds herself face-to-face with her ex-girlfriend, Alex Vause (played by the flawless Laura Prepon). All of the old anger, anxiety, confusion and, well, love seems to flood the picture, as exes are wont to do.

There’s something really satisfying and even attractive about this eventual union. I am a big sucker for “the one that got away” stories. Also, Alex’s energy is so strong and refreshing compared to Larry. He is a good boy and she is a bad girl, which is probably part of the draw. But there’s something to be said for Piper and Alex’s chemistry. The history between them seems to be indisputable, and as anyone with an ex knows, sometimes these factors are non-negotiable in an attraction towards somebody. And on top of that, they’re literally locked up together.