Orange is the New Black: The 21 craziest moments thus far

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Now that most fans have churned their way through the newest season of Orange Is The New Black, we can talk about the craziest stuff that’s happened on the show to date.

Warning: This article contains spoilers about seasons 1 through 5 of Orange is the New Black. Some clips may also contain language that is not safe for work.

Litchfield has come a long way since the initial incarceration of Piper Chapman. Scandal, violence, riots and privatization are just a few of the facets of the new Orange is the New Black. Amid somewhat more mixed reviews for season 5 as compared to earlier seasons, longtime fans are still gobbling up the crazy twists and turns that are being thrown at our beloved inmates.

Yours truly had a backseat to all the craziness — having spent a day on set shooting a scene with Meredith Vieira, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Blair Brown and Richard Masur, I received more spoilers than I could have ever bargained for. It was clear from the outset that Litchfield would be in full-on revolt this season, and I think that was proven in spades. There was a lot that led us here, though. Here’s a countdown of all the most insane moments since the pilot episode of OITNB.