Ghosts from Harry Potter and how they relate to culture


We certainly learned a lot about ghosts from reading ‘Harry Potter’ books. But where did the myths and facts come from? Read here to find out!

We have Nearly Headless Nick roaming the hallways, stuck between worlds. He tells Harry that he chose to remain as a ghost instead of moving on. Nick never sets out to harm any of the students, but actually helps them a time or two. He is also the Gryffindor house ghost. Nick continues to try and join the Headless Hunt, but since his head is still technically attached, they won’t let him. Even if it is only by a nerve or two.

There is the Hufflepuff house ghost, The Fat Friar. He is a generally happy ghost who also loves the students. The friar certainly doesn’t hold grudges when he is harmed, by a person or another ghost. He is always willing to forgive and forget.

Then there’s Peeves. He’s technically a poltergeist, but he’s certainly a pest. He will play tricks on anyone and everyone who crosses his path. He also listens to no one but the Bloody Baron. Even though most of the students and staff can’t stand him most of the time, he does love his home and is willing to fight to protect it.

Speaking of the Bloody Baron, he is the ghost of the Slytherin house. He is exactly how you would imagine him, evil and naturally nasty. He seems to have a cool dislike, even for students and teachers of the house he belongs. There is also a mysterious and bloody past linking him to Hogwart’s.

Then there’s the crowd favorite, Moaning Myrtle. The girl who was killed in the girl’s bathroom and doomed to spend the rest of eternity there. She haunts the toilets, often causing excessive flooding. Not many of the students go into this bathroom, because Myrtle also tends to not be very friendly.

How they relate to our cultures today

Reading about the ghosts of Harry Potter is always entertaining, but it’s also educational. Many of the attributes you read derive from our history and culture. But is it fact or fiction? Well, I guess that’s up to you to decide if you believe in ghosts or not.

A ghost haunting the place where they originally died is a common belief among multiple cultures. Another popular belief is that ghosts don’t always hang around to terrify or harm us. Some of them are believed to have unfinished business, as much as some are believed to not want to cross over. Except Peeves. He’s just here to annoy.

Related Story: Check here for some Harry Potter secrets, including one about Peeves!

What concepts about ghosts from Harry Potter do you think we relate to with culture today? Let us know in the comments below! For more things Potterverse, check us out here!