Dream casting: Who should have been cast as Grindelwald

Johnny Depp is our Grindelwald and that’s fine but who would have made a better Gellert? Well, I have opinions. Mainly that Chris Pine should have it.

The casting of Johnny Depp as Gellert Grindelwald caused quite the stir with Harry Potter fans. Many were upset because of his personal issues and others were upset because they didn’t necessarily love the actor in general.

So, who would we rather see take on Dumbledore’s great love and foe? Well, I have some opinions on the matter. And to no one’s surprise at all, I would love Chris Pine as Grindelwald. But hear me out, it isn’t purely selfish. I don’t want him as Gellert because I want to look at him in everything. Though that would be nice.

Instead, I want him to play Gellert because imagine how cool those scenes between Jude Law and him would be. Just two boys, falling in love and casting spells and turning on each other. It’s a dream come true.

But now we’ll have to see that with Johnny Depp as Grindelwald and again, that’s fine. It’s not what any of us wanted but it is what we got. So we kind of have to deal with it. Unless they want to let Colin Farrell say “just kidding I was never Percival I was always Grindelwald”.

That’s another moment I would take. I would just pretend like the ending where they reveal Johnny Depp with weird contacts and a bad dye job never happened. And I think we’re all on the same page. Does anyone want to see Johnny take this role on? And if so, why?

Next: Young Dumbledore: a discussion on Jude Law as the Headmaster

So while there isn’t much we can do now, who is your favorite pick to play Grindelwald? Who do you want to see with Dumbledore most?