Reasons why Dumbledore may actually be a toxic character


We know all the reasons we believe Dumbledore to be a good man and wizard. But here are some reasons why he might actually be toxic.

So once we get past all of the good things we believe Dumbledore has done, we discover some of the bad. Every one makes bad decisions at one point or another, but Dumbledore may have crossed the line a time or two. Or ten.

Regarding Harry

Looking way back, not only did Dumbledore leave Harry with the worst people ever, but he left a baby on a doorstep in the middle of the night. Mind you, they were Harry’s only living relatives besides Sirius, but he was in Azkaban. But he didn’t even knock on the door! He left a defenseless baby on a stoop in the middle of the night. Baby Harry was out there in the cold for hours until one of the Dursleys discovered him!

Remember when Dumbledore asked Harry if he had been the one to put his own name in the Goblet of Fire? Well, of course Harry said no because he didn’t. Dumbledore just accepts this answer and decides that Harry must participate in the tournament. I understand his reasons in believing Harry, because he knew he wouldn’t lie to him. But no investigation into the matter or any suspicions that it might be a trap? Like, oh I don’t know, something from Voldemort!

Regarding Hogwarts

Moaning Myrtle. We all know her, and some of us even like her. But let’s be honest, should she really be allowed to hang around in the bathroom she was murdered in? Probably not. Sure, there are plenty of other ghosts that hang around Hogwarts and that’s just seen as normal. Fine. But Myrtle was tormented, ran into the bathroom to cry, and was then murdered. We’re all just going to be okay with that? It’s totally fine when no one uses the bathroom because she is such a nuisance there? Oh, okay.

Let’s talk about Snape. Besides the fact that we never really know what side he is on because there is so much switching and pretending going on, he is a douche. He is literally mean to every student that isn’t in the Slytherin house. And he is even mean to some of them. Draco is pretty much the only one he isn’t mean to, and he still isn’t a teddy bear by any stretch of the imagination. But Dumbledore is totally cool with this. He wants to keep Snape close after all. But couldn’t he at least reprimand him, or demand him to treat the students with a smidgen of respect? No?

And Quirrell! Oh my goodness Professor Quirrell! He literally has Lord Voldemort’s head growing out the back of his own and no one notices?! Not even the headmaster of the entire school? One of he supposedly greatest wizards of all time? He had to have interviewed the man or at least spoken to him a time or two before he began teaching at Hogwarts. It is truly unacceptable that he didn’t have even the slightest clue of the danger he was allowing to waltz right in the front doors as he pleased.

Really not the best with children

The man is literally over a hundred years old, and he can’t seem to figure out the things going on in the school he is supposed to be running. Literally, three twelve year olds were able to figure out and defeat Voldemort. Dumbledore didn’t even know what they were doing until it came down to the end. But he knew something would be coming! Oh, hey, let me grab this stone out of Gringotts’ because I think someone is going to come steal it soon. Then, let me store it in my school with hundreds of children. It will be fine though, because we are going to have each professor put a different trap out to get to it. Including the professor that has Voldemort coming out the back of his head!

We are teaching magic at this school, people. Magic! To children who have no idea what they are doing with it yet. At least twenty students per class and you have one teacher for all of them. How the heck is one teacher supposed to keep track of all these kids performing spells, flying on broomsticks, and making potions? It’s a wonder there aren’t constant casualties.

Related Story: You've read the bad, now head over here to find out why we really adore Dumbledore!

There you have it. Some reasons as to why Dumbledore may not be the best authority figure. Don’t get me wrong, he is truly one of my favorites. There are just so many bad decisions, we couldn’t help but point out a few!
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