Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone turns twenty this month!

Twenty years! We can hardly believe it either! But the first Harry Potter came out twenty years ago this month! Celebrate with these cool anniversary items!

June 26th. A seemingly ordinary day, that is actually one of great importance. The first Harry Potter novel. A worldwide phenomenon. The one that started it all and had us hooked. It had us traveling to a whole different world of adventure and love. And no one is forgetting to celebrate it!


The book that started it all has sold over 450 million copies and that number continues to go up. The book has also been translated into 79 different languages. So you knew something special would be released! Multiple editions .

That’s right! Whichever house is your favorite, or you feel you identify with gets it’s own book! Whichever house edition you choose features your crest on the front cover! The book is also completely enveloped in their colors. Including the edges of the pages! You can’t ask for more than that.

But you’re getting more than that! Each house edition has different and exclusive extra content stored inside. Bloomsbury took on the task and has all the different editions of the first book available here! Don’t be afraid to grab multiple editions!

Other goodies

Bookspace has also joined the fun and is sponsoring a special Harry Potter event of their own to mark the occasion. Students must invent their own magical library, which they can use this template for. The winner will get a Hogwart’s themed library for their school! House colors will be the decoration of choice! But on top of that, they’ll also receive a trunk full of Harry Potter books!

But there are also some other prizes. Check those out here along with the other rules and address on where to send the drawings. Blomsbury is also in the middle of creating a video to celebrate the anniversary. It will also feature fans of the series. You can enter to participate in that here!

Related Story: This isn't the only anniversary we've had! Check out the Battle of Hogwarts anniversary here!

For more Potter news and all things Harry Potter, check us out here! Let us know what you think of these anniversary edition books in the comments below!