If your tastes run to British science fiction TV like Doctor Who and Orphan Black, this week’s set of new books is for you — though there’s a surprise too.
When a new season of a favorite TV show arrives on screens, it’s hard not to want to consume all the related material you can. That impulse makes complete and total sense. Those companion items sometimes offer clues as to where the season might be going. Since neither of the two shows represented below appear on sites like Netflix, where you could binge-watch to your heart’s content, that means a lot. With the assistance of official listings on Amazon and Goodreads, we’ll summarize the new books below.
The DNA of Orphan Black
Since Orphan Black will return for its final season this very month, it seems fitting to release a book that goes deep into the series. According to its official Amazon listing, it’s not incredibly long — 208 pages — but there are new details within about key aspects of the show. That’s probably of most pertinent interest to the members of Clone Club, but there is also more information on the making of the show, which is probably where the “DNA” pun comes in more than the in-universe info. Titan Books; paperback, 208 pages; list price on Amazon: $24.95.
Doctor Who: A Brief History of Time Lords
Never let it be said that we don’t appreciate a good Stephen Hawking pun around here, because we do. Anyway, Steve Tribe has written out an in-universe book that details the history of, well, the Time Lords. Even though the show, over the past several decades, has detailed some things, this book might contain some more things that characters like the Doctor haven’t seen fit to share. Since it’s pretty short, you could probably squeeze in a first read-through before this week’s new episode — especially since the description also promises illustrations. Harper Design; hardcover, 160 pages; list price on Amazon: $19.99.
Once and For All
And now, your palate cleanser in the form of Sarah Dessen’s new teen romance. Ambrose happens to have dated several different girls in the past. But now, he only has eyes for Louna, a wedding planner’s daughter. After 12 previous novels, you likely know what to expect: feelings, and lots of them. But what’s so bad about that? Nothing, in our opinion. This one seems like a great book for your beach read pile. Viking Books for Young Readers; hardcover, 368 pages; list price on Amazon: $19.99.
Also out today is the Wonder Woman novelization, which means you could experience the movie over and over again without trekking out to the theater and before the Blu-Ray and DVD come out.
Next: The 20 most upbeat superhero stories
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