Chuck Berry’s final album hits shelves next week, but you can already stream it online. If you’re a fan, you will love every second of it.
Chuck Berry is a behemoth. And yes, present tense, because while he’s no longer among the living, he was always something else and will continue to be something else.
The release of his final studio album (and first new record since 1979’s Rock It), CHUCK, is definitely both a sad and joyous occasion. Sad, because his passing from this past March still somehow feels too soon despite the legend being ninety years old. Joyous because… what else can new Chuck Berry music make you?
NPR has done the world some good and you can stream it online right now. Plug in a set of headphones and just enjoy the last new Chuck Berry the world will (probably) see.
The highlights of the album are most definitely “Wonderful Woman” and “Big Boys.” Both sound incredibly familiar — and that’s not a bad thing. Berry draws back on the infectious, raucous guitar that propelled him to fame. It doesn’t matter that it’s 60 years later, because they still get your feet tapping.
“You Go To My Head” has a tinkling bluesy piano that sounds reminiscent of a toned-down Johnnie Johnson (less like “Carol” and more like “Tanqueray“, though I guess they’re fairly similar). Berry also gives us two “sequel” songs in “Lady B. Goode,” a follow-up to the infamous “Johnny B. Goode,” and “Jamaica Moon,” incredibly close to his “Havana Moon.”
This is the man whose music influenced the likes of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, whose music has been covered by multiple generations, whose music will never be forgotten or replicated.
Next: Chuck Berry gets his first music video for new song Big Boys
If you’re looking for something groundbreaking with this album, you’re about sixty years too late. All Berry has to do at this point is make us feel good listening to the songs.
And he does it so well.