Sirius Black is my favorite character and I just want to talk about him


Sirius Black is an important character to the Harry Potter series but I just like talking about him. So that’s what we’re going to do.

This post has a purpose that is purely selfish because I just want to talk about Sirius Black. Great, so you’re all onboard? Perfect. Here’s what we’re going to do: we’re going to just chat about the best fictional character that ever lived.

That’s right, I think that Sirius Black is the best character that has ever existed. Why? I honestly couldn’t tell you. I was just a wondering 14 year old and suddenly I was in love with Gary Oldman and his portrayal of my favorite character and I couldn’t tell you why.

But Sirius was my favorite from the moment he appeared in the books. A sad man who had a rough life who willingly took on the responsibility of a child just because it is what his friends would have wanted? Count me in.

But it’s not like Sirius is a character that we got a whole lot of time with. Not for lack of trying. I know that I personally am very loud about my love of Sirius and what I wish we could see with his character still. (I still want that Marauders series.)

There’s just something about him that grabbed onto us fans and has refused to let go. Maybe it’s his willingness to protect Harry or the fact that he is so loyal to his friends that he’d suffer for them. Whatever it actually is, it made us love Sirius no matter how little we ended up knowing about him.

Next: Potter fans: What is up with the Harry Potter generation now after the series has come to an end…well, sort of

So go out and love Sirius Black no matter what anyone says about you. He’s perfect.