Muggles: Not all of them are in the dark about the wizarding world


When it comes to being muggles, many of us instantly think that they are naive about the magic surrounding them but we know that’s not true.

Stop and think about muggles for a second. You instantly think about people who do not know anything about magic, right? Well, some of them do know about the wizarding world. For instance, the Dursleys.

As terrible as they are, they know that magic exists because of Lily as well as Harry. Then you have Hermione’s non-magical parents who forget about the wizarding world when Hermione wipes their memories but still.

More recently, we were introduced to Jacob Kowalski. In America, they are not referred to as muggles but that is what Jacob is. He’s a man who loves magic and doesn’t want to forget about it after working with Newt, Tina, and Queenie.

But it is a fascinating world to see. The minute you see something so absolutely out of this world, would you want to forget about it? Muggles who know of the magical world have a bit of a harder time than those who are just naive to it. The muggles who know what exists have to deal with the fact that they can never be a part of it.

Wizards get to do whatever they want (with rules obviously) but a mere muggle cannot even imagine what it would be like to use magic. They never get the chance, they just have to watch those around them getting to experience it. So it’s a pretty rough life. And for someone like Jacob, it’s sad because he loves it so much.

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Who is your favorite muggle? None of us want to be a muggle, we all want to be wizards but everyone should have their favorites!