Unlikable TV Characters: We hate them because they really deserve it

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George Costanza – Seinfeld

George is an angry little man and shouts all the time. This is not the kind of guy you want around all the time. Whether the server gets his order wrong, he can’t get a cab, or if his pants are chafing, he’s in a rage, and you will have to suffer through it right along with it.

All of the characters on Seinfeld are hard to love, in their own way, but George was the most insufferable by far. Aside from his anger issues, he was extremely hard to please. Nothing was ever good enough, but the funny thing is, he was never really willing to do anything to make it better. He just sat back and let the world happen to him, and then screamed and ranted when it did.

George is also a raging misanthrope who generally despises people. This makes it extremely hard to be around him you know, since you’re a person and all. He’s also a giant cheapskate, although he would never admit it. His penny-pinching led to the death of his fiancé, and George never really seemed all that sad about it. He complained about what a hassle it all way, fussed about all the details he had to sort out, and groused about having to do anything at all. But he never really acted like he had a human heart in his chest.