Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster we adore: This is when we fell in love


With so many defining moments, how do you choose the one that had you experiencing all the feels? Read to find out how we fell in love with Dumbledore!

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was many things in his lifetime. Beloved by many, feared by few, and hated by less. Everyone has a different moment they fell in love with Albus Dumbledore. He had so many pivotal moments, it’s hard to pick just one.

He was the man that Harry turned to when he needed guidance and he was there to protect the Golden Trio whenever they needed his help. Dumbledore is pretty wonderful. So when exactly did we all fall in love? Well, let’s start at the beginning.

Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter. Image courtesy of Warner Brothers

The boy

Albus had a brother, Aberforth, and a sister, Ariana. When Ariana was young she was attacked by muggle boys. Ariana was traumatized emotionally and mentally as a result. It also caused her magic to become uncontrollable and unpredictable.

Their father, Percival, decided to seek justice himself and attacked the muggle boys on his own. Percival was sentenced to Azkaban, where he eventually died. Their mother, Kendra, then took her children to live in Godric’s Hollow.


Albus then left to begin his education at Hogwarts. After being sorted into Gryffindor, he made fast friends, most of whom became highly influential and extremely powerful later in life. Albus was made a prefect in his fifth year, and was head boy in his seventh.

Clearly from his accomplishments, Albus had a promising life ahead of him. He was and will always be described as one of the most brilliant students to have ever attended Hogwarts.

The young man

Shortly after Albus graduated, his mother was killed due to an accident with Ariana’s magic. Though reluctant, Albus returned home to take care of her. Not long after this change, he met an extremely smart wizard, Gellert Grindelwald. They had plans to go study the Deathly Hallows until Aberforth showed up. He reprimanded Albus for neglecting Ariana and told him he couldn’t possibly leave her to go with Gellert. When Albus told Gellert the news, the other wizard’s response was to try and curse him.

What resulted was a great duel between Aberforth, Albus, and Gellert. During the battle, Ariana was struck by a stray curse when she attempted to help her brothers. Gellert fled as Aberforth and Albus grieved their sister, not knowing who’s curse was the one that hit her.

The legend

Shortly after the tragedy of losing his sister, Albus returned to Hogwarts as the Transfiguration professor. Albus was made headmaster a few years after a final battle with Gellert. Albus was also offered the role of Minister of Magic several times.

During the First Wizarding War, Albus’ response was to create The Order of the Phoenix. He played a major part in winning the battle. The Order was dissipated after the battle had been won. Albus brought it back years later, after it became clear that a Second Wizarding War was inevitable and looming ever closer.

Quest for the horcruxs

Dumbledore and Voldemort battled each other once more, resulting in Voldemort fleeing. Albus set out to find all of the horcruxes and destroy them, defeating Voldemort for good. He came across Marvolo Gaunt’s ring with a Resurrection Stone. In a moment of weakness, Albus put it on wanting to see his family one last time to apologize. Albus was saved from immediate death due to his power and quick thinking. The curse was temporarily confined to Albus’ hand thanks to Snape.

Dumbledore made Snape promise to be the one to kill him when the time came. Albus didn’t want his death to be a regret of Draco’s.

The final battle

Albus and Draco did eventually come to a stand-off. Dumbledore revealed that he knew Draco had tried to kill him several times while attending Hogwarts. He let him stay because he knew if he expelled him, Voldemort would kill him. He offered Draco and his mother protection from Voldemort. Even after everything he had done, Albus was still trying to save Draco’s soul. In the end, Draco couldn’t bring himself to do it.

In the end, Snape did as Albus asked him and killed him. It protected Snape’s cover, saved Draco and his soul, and ended Albus’ suffering. Just one more act of selflessness to add to what was a lifetime full of them.

Sir Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter. Image courtesy of Warner Brothers

Dumbledore’s legacy

Dumbledore stayed in limbo until Harry met him there. He wanted to speak to him one last time, so he could tell him all the things he felt he couldn’t in life. Albus told Harry everything he had left out, from the true nature of the Deathly Hallows to his relationship with Gellert.

Thanks to Hagrid, Dumbledore is the only Headmaster to ever be laid to rest on Hogwarts’ grounds. He made sure everyone knew no headmaster had ever given as much to the school as Dumbledore.

When we fell in love

So, what was the defining moment? The one moment that truly tipped the scales and made us love and respect this character, this man? Was it giving up his hopes and dreams to take care of his sister (albeit grudgingly)? Was it the fact that he never cared about another soul’s appearance or circumstance, only of their integrity?

Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter. Image courtesy of Warner Brothers

I have a hard time just picking one. One single moment to describe the amazing qualities that made this man. The obstacles that he had to overcome in his lifetime. All of those things together are what made him who he was. I consider every moment to be the one that made me fall in love with this character. He was my favorite from the start.

Next: The importance of what family means to us and the Harry Potter series

What do you think about Dumbledore? Did you have a defining moment? Let us know in the comments below! For more Harry Potter check us out here!