Stephen Colbert makes another Sean Spicer in the bushes joke

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert broke last night’s monologue into two videos, one a little longer, and one with a Sean Spicer joke.

Monday started out fairly normally until the afternoon rolled around and the Washington Post dropped a certain story. (Stephen Colbert references it below, but it seems fitting to get to the story first.) The headline: “Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador.”

Outlets like Reuters, Buzzfeed News, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and CNN have since confirmed the story. Granted, most of them did it that evening, likely after Colbert had taped. But he had the Post.

(This morning, he also had tweets from Donald Trump himself; here’s the Post on that, too.)

Check out the first portion of his monologue below. There’s some mildly NSFW language — it has to do with positions.

In case you’ve forgotten, the story of James Comey also continues. While Colbert cites the New York Times story from late last week about asking for loyalty, he also includes portions of an interview Donald Trump did with Fox News. Although Bloomberg News refers to a transcript, it doesn’t appear that Fox News itself has published anything of the sort. (This article is about as close as it gets.) Additionally, for a catch-up read, NPR has published a timeline stretching back to 2015 for Comey.

But we promised you Sean Spicer jokes, and Colbert has Sean Spicer jokes below (and one use of “hell”):

Referring to Sean Spicer in (or among, if you will) the bushes comes from last week’s Comey firing fallout. (Yes, that was only last week.) Again, the Post came out with a story about it, and yes, there is an actual editor’s note at the bottom explaining the change in preposition.

But it’s telling that Colbert got perhaps his longest bit of applause during the entire monologue for asking Trump to resign. The words “downward spiral” have already been used by a Republican senator, Bob Corker, according to TheHill.

Next: John Oliver on dialysis

More news may very well be coming today, as Colbert said.