The new season of Doctor Who continues as Twelve, Bill and Nardole find themselves trapped on a space station where the dead walk.
Doctor Who season 10 continues this week, and jumps back into the whole traveling adventure thing with both feet. After a relatively grounded modern-day story (if you can call a house that sort of eats people “grounded”) in “Knock Knock,” Bill and Twelve return to risking their lives in space. And also it looks like there may be zombies.
On the plus side, this episode – entitled “Oxygen” – will mark Nardole’s first proper companion adventure. Up until this point, as a character, he has been used rather sparingly. (And no, his appearance in the “Return of Doctor Mysterio” holiday episode doesn’t count.) So far in season 10, Nardole just popped up here and there for a couple minutes each episode. His primary activities pretty much consisted of making tea and nagging the Doctor. And dropping an offhand hint about the mysterious vault every once in a while. On the whole, his character seemed pretty sidelined. Happily, it looks like that’s about to change. We don’t know why Nardole is part of this adventure yet, however. But, still! Matt Lucas is too good of an actor to waste on babysitting a vault.
The official BBC synopsis features a Star Trek shoutout. But not a whole lot else, as far as detail goes.
"‘Space – the final frontier. Final because it wants to kill us.’ Trapped on a space station with no oxygen, the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are horrified to discover the automated spacesuits keeping them alive are also trying to kill them!"
But as usual, the version over at Doctor Who TV is a little more substantial.
"The Doctor, Bill and Nardole answer a distress call in deep space, and find themselves trapped on board space station Chasm Forge. All but four of the crew have been murdered – and the dead are still walking!In a future where oxygen is sold by the breath, and space suits are valued more highly than their occupants, the TARDIS crew battle for survival against the darkest evil of all…"
Welp. That doesn’t sound terrifying at all. Sorry if you wanted a slightly less scary episode after last week’s haunted house-fest. Maybe next week.
Watch the trailer for “Oxygen” for yourself:
Yup. It definitely looks like zombies this time. Zombies in space. Not terrifying at all. (Gulp.)
Next: Doctor Who: Things we’re thinking about after “Knock Knock”
siseason 10 continues Saturday, May 13 on BBC One and BBC America.