The Handmaid’s Tale — “Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum” Episode 104 — Punished by Serena Joy, Offred begins to unravel and reflects on her time with Moira at the Red Center. A complication during the Ceremony threatens Offred’s survival with the Commander and Serena Joy. (Photo by: George Kraychyk/Hulu)
Moira and June’s escape
One more set dressing mention, then I promise I’m done. Remember what I said earlier, about nothing looking like a dystopia? You do get one more look at that as Moira and June attempt to escape the Red Center in episode 4. However, like most of Handmaid’s Tale, it’s never what you expect.
Instead of seeing an already-destroyed world remade in the image of those controlling it, you see the process of destruction. They are tearing down street signs, demolishing buildings the two characters used to spend time in, and wiping away any trace of real society that once existed. They two can follow the remnants as they remember, but it’s nearly not enough for Moira and certainly not enough to save June.
Nothing disappears overnight. The ease with which we see Gilead dismantling life as they, and we, know it is a sharp reminder of how the things we rely on can so easily be taken away from us.