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Aviva tosses her prosthetic leg – Real Housewives of New York
Yes, you read that right. An actual cast member of a Housewives franchise removed her prosthetic leg and tossed it across a table. In a restaurant.
As a discussion evolves about Aviva’s transgressions during the season, the ladies start to air their grievances about her authenticity. In this moment, the other housewives were coming for her about the severity of her asthma. Naturally, as one tends to do, she reaches down, unclasps her leg and tosses it onto the floor. Because what else are you supposed to do?
At the time, it was meant to be some sort of tool or symbol in her argument about being fake. You know, she throws the only fake thing about her. Blah, blah, blah. But the real reason is probably far more self-serving. If I had to invoke my extensive knowledge of reality show housewife behavior, I’d guess it was a stunt to ensure her place in future seasons. Being a Bravo housewife is a job, after all.
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunate for viewers), Aviva didn’t make into a that many more seasons. She also took a lot of heat for that stunt, making her look like an attention monger, who would exploit herself for the chance to extend her 15 minutes of fame. It’s really kind of gross in the bigger picture.