Yuri!!! On Ice will get an official movie to melt all our hearts

Can you feel our hearts beat? We’ve got a feeling that the Yuri on Ice movie just announced will have us all melting from start to finish.

While the continuing rumors of a season 2 for Yuri on Ice (more correctly known as Yuri!!! on Ice) continue to tug at our heartstrings; while we gaze yet again in wide-eyed wonder at real life skaters meticulously recreating the routines; while we listen to “On Love: Eros” for the millionth time, the cast and creators of Yuri!!! on Ice were busy with an actual, real announcement. There shall be a movie. There shall be an actual, watchable movie of Yuri!!! on Ice, and all is right with the world.

There are no specific details yet about what this movie might entail. I certainly know what we all want to see: a true, non-credits-sequence Victor and Yuri skating routine, more of Yuri P. in the tiger jacket, lots and lots of Makkachin, and, oh let’s see, maybe an on-screen kiss? Plus (of course) more of the beautifully choreographed skate routines we’ve come to expect will need to dominate much of the movie’s screen time.

All we have for now is the knowledge that the movie is in the works, given to us from the recent Yuri!!! On Stage event, which included a full cast reunion to announce the film. No release date, no idea of the plot, but enjoy this gorgeous image of the Yuri on Ice cast looking fancy as all get out:

We do know that the movie will feature its own story, and not a recap of the first season. That’s a plus for folks still optimistic for both a second season and the movie, who may have been concerned that the follow-up to the gentle cliffhanger of the first season might end up skipping the movie for resolution in episodic format. I can’t imagine more Yuri ever being a bad thing, but after the beautiful, emotional resolution of the final episode, I’m not sure I can handle any more ice skating tension!

Next: 12 Reasons to Watch, Re-Watch, and Love Yuri on Ice

Wait, I just looked at another picture of Makkachin. Yup, I can handle more.