Harry Potter Weekend: Why We Don’t Want it to Ever End


Freeform took over Harry Potter weekend and this is why we don’t want anything to happen to our beloved past time with Harry and his friends.

Harry Potter weekend has been a staple for many years. ABC Family used to host them frequently throughout the year but it usually felt best when it was just starting to get cold or was in the middle of winter.

There is just something about watching those movies when you’re bundled up on your couch that just seems right. So when Freeform took it on, we were worried about what it meant for our beloved weekend. But as we are in the midst of a new Harry Potter weekend, those fears are slightly assuaged.

Because really, it’s just as we’ve always loved it. Just a wonderful weekend filled with our favorite series. Before the movies were complete, it never really felt whole. We were missing part of the story but now that it is completed, we have an entire weekend of magic and friendship to enjoy.

So here is our plea for Freeform: Please keep this going for us. It is such a special part of being a fan of this series that, without it, it wouldn’t feel right. We’ve always had Harry Potter weekend and we would like it to continue on. So whatever has to happen to keep these coming our way, please do so! After all, Hogwarts is always there to welcome you home and we always love returning to the school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Next: Things to Not Forget: Harry Potter was a Child the Entire Time

So tune in on Freeform this weekend for some amazing films! They’re currently in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban so you have quite a few movies to catch on to!