Harry Potter Spoilers: People will Always be Mad About Spoilers


When it comes to Harry Potter, spoilers are pretty much non-existent nowadays. But it doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a spoiler culture back in the day.

Once when I was a freshmen in college, I came home to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. When I got out of the movie, I went back to my high school and was talking about how sad Dobby’s death was.

Someone promptly screamed at me for ruining the movie since it had just come out. My initial response? “The book has been out for three years. These aren’t spoilers anymore” to which they responded that I was rude for assuming they read the books.

Anyway, here’s the thing: Can we count spoilers as such if they’re based on a book that has been out for years? For instance, when it comes to Game of Thrones, I let people ruin the show for me because I didn’t read the books.

It’s not fair for me to be angry when the information has been out and available for consumption for years. So I always make a point of letting people talk about the show and spoilers around me since I could have easily picked the book up myself.

And I think that’s the same idea that should have held true for the Harry Potter series. You only like the movies? That’s fine, but don’t get mad at me when I want to talk about the movies and spoil things. The books are out there, you could have picked them up.

You chose to not so I shouldn’t be held responsible for accidentally spoiling something for you.

Next: Politics and Harry Potter: Can You Flip Comparisons?

Anyway Dumbledore dies and Snape always loved Lily Potter (which is kind of creepy) so hope everyone is promptly spoiled now for a series that ended 6 years ago.