Photo Credit: Rebekah Valentine
4. Bribe them
Cats are totally bribable! It’s just finding out what it is that does it. As I said before, mine will do just about anything for a can of wet food. The very sound of it will get them to run right to me and start mewing incessantly. Some cats love treats; others will show up if you just make a divot in a blanket in a warm spot, or treat them to a play session with a favorite toy. You can use this to your advantage in keeping your cat interested in and enjoying grooming.
Finding out what your cat likes is simple enough even outside of the grooming session. If you’re not sure, experiment! Many pet stores or other pet services will offer sample packs of treats or food so you can tempt your kitty without busting your pocket book. You’ll be glad you discovered this key to your cat’s heart, too, as it will increase your bond and also give you a tool in incentivizing them in the future.
Photo Credit: Rebekah Valentine
5. Different strokes for different folks
Different cats will require different types of brushes at different types. Short-haired cat coats are far simpler to maintain than long-hair, obviously. If you have a short-haired cat, you probably only need to brush them once per week or so. The cat will wash and maintain its own coat otherwise and your brushing simply keeps them from constantly hacking hairballs. Increase the frequency of brushing if they are having trouble. Use a stiff-bristled brush that your cat likes–this may take some sampling, but when it comes to brushes, many cats are easy to please.
Longer-haired coats are trickier. You won’t want a stiff-bristled brush so much as you’ll want a comb, and you’ll want to brush them daily. Long-hairs will get mats, but don’t force them or rip them. If they don’t easily comb out, simply use a pair of small scissors to gently clip them out.
Finally, this should go without saying, but, brush in the direction of the coat–not opposite to it.