New Wonder Woman Concept Art Shows No Man’s Land

With the movie coming out in less than two months, the new Wonder Woman concept art shows us Diana in No Man’s Land and gets us excited!

For those who need the new Wonder Woman concept art posted by Entertainment Weekly explained to them, it is pretty simple. In war tactics, the zone between the battling forces is considered “No Man’s Land”. Well, lucky for them, Diana Prince is no man.

While that may have not been the intention of the creator, it is still a very striking image. A woman walking through No Man’s Land with purpose and stride. It helps that she has super powers but still, it is pretty awesome.

For those unaware of Diana Prince’s story, here is a short tidbit. So Diana comes from Themyscira. A world of women, when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crash lands his plane there, Diana helps to nurse him back to health before she returns to the world of man with Steve.

There, World War I is raging on and Diana must help stop it. Hence why she is walking through No Man’s Land. To be honest, this movie just seems to be pretty amazing and it is going to be great for young girls everywhere. We finally get to see a Wonder Woman story that isn’t just the TV show from the 70s.

No matter what happens in the movie, everything we’re seeing for it now proves to us that a Wonder Woman story is important. After all, just look around at all the little girls excited already and we’re still over a month out from the movie’s release.

Next: #WonderWednesdays are About to Take Over our Week for Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman hits theaters this June 2. Get ready for a great film and if the trailers show us what this movie is going to be like, we’re in for one amazing ride on Diana’s invisible plane!