10 Things We Want to See Happen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Rey in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Still. Image Provided By Disney/Lucasfilm.

10. Rey sticking to her convictions

Whether you find her abilities practical or not, Rey became an iconic hero for everyone because of her choices. When we first met her, we immediately learned that she was alone. Further, we understood that she was waiting for her family and practically starving in the desert.

Yet, when given the chance to take a ton of food, Rey chose to keep BB-8 with her and sensed that letting him go would put the droid in danger. She realized that he needed to be returned to the Resistance, even if that meant leaving the only planet she knew as home, a planet that she was hoping her family would eventually return to.

Even after she returned BB-8 to Han Solo, Rey could’ve left with Finn and hidden from the First Order. But she didn’t. She could’ve spilled certain secrets to Kylo Ren, but she didn’t. And she had no reason to accept Leia’s mission and deliver the lightsaber to Luke Skywalker either. (Well, she wanted answers, I guess.)

But hopefully, The Last Jedi won’t go too far to tempt her to the Dark Side. As she quickly becomes one of the most iconic females in the franchise, hopefully, she’ll follow in the footsteps of those who became before her. Just as Padmé declined to join Anakin and Leia never faltered, let Rey remain as honest, kind and true as possible.

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Is there anything else you’re really hoping to see happen? Let us know in the comments below! The Last Jedi opens in theaters on Dec. 15.