Cats gotta cat, even in the middle of a Marlins game. Fortunately, the cat that invaded opening day is off to a loving home, courtesy of a staff member.
Why are we so attracted to cats, when their aloof nature so often proves that they give zero cruds about silly human activities? One cat exemplified this perfectly earlier this week, when a stray cat invaded a Miami Marlins game, and showed absolutely no interest or concern about the fact that there was, you know, a baseball game going on. After being confronted under its perch in the outfield, the cat bolted along the side of the stadium, climbed the outfield wall, and settled in a ridiculous-looking sculpture that apparently does some fancy light show when the Marlins score a home run. The cat’s more interesting though. Just watch it:
I feel like I’m there with the crowd cheering that cat on as it makes its daring and ridiculous escape. Normally all this might have been the end of it. Cat disappears into shadows, we never see it again. But not today! The Marlins tweeted yesterday that this lovable feline, dubbed Don Cattingly, now has a loving home with one of the Marlins front desk staff members:
The #RallyCat rumors are true! Don Cattingly was spotted in the park last night & given a loving home with a #Marlins front office member. 🐱
— Miami Marlins (@Marlins) April 14, 2017
Okay, it looks like Don Cattingly has some progress to make to become the lovable lord of the household. Since we’re not sure of its origins, Don Cattingly could very well take some time to adjust to domestic life away from a baseball diamond. But it sounds like it has a good start with a friendly human who has the patience to serve at a cat’s beck and call, as we all tend to do when a cat enters our lives.
Next: Caturday Blogging: Can Cats Be Trained?
Best of luck, Don Cattingly. Marlins games will likely proceed far more smoothly without you on the field, but we’ll miss you anyway. Can we replace that weird home run sculpture with a kitty playground for Don Cattingly instead?