Star Wars: The Last Jedi: 7 Questions After the Trailer

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Still from The Last Jedi trailer. Image via Disney/Lucasfilm

1. “It’s Time for the Jedi … to End.”

Look, hearing Luke Skywalker speak at all has be counted as a privilege, and yes, everyone made jokes about it during The Last Jedi panel at Star Wars Celebration Orlando, including Mark Hamill himself, who was on hand.

For the most part, his lines seemed pretty standard, and then came the kicker at the very end: “It’s time for the Jedi to end.”

Way to leave us begging for more, Lucasfilm. On the one hand, the line really sheds some light on the title of the movie itself, The Last Jedi. If Luke intends to end the order as we know it (or as we think we know it), then that would make him the last Jedi, although presumably not reluctant to actually teach Rey, since it looks like he’s overseeing her lightsaber practice during another shot.

But, and this interpretation might end up being correct, Luke’s intention isn’t to stop people from using the Force, it’s just to end the way the Jedi taught about using the Force and all of the attendant rules the old order may have used or even ones he may have put in place when he started teaching at first.

It doesn’t seem right to assume that Luke will fall to the Dark Side, tempted though he may have been in the past. Daisy Ridley did allude to Rey’s ideas about what he may be like being challenged by meeting him in person, but that seems just a step too far. One evil Skywalker relative is enough for the trilogy, and we have that in Kylo Ren … for now.

Next: 50 Iconic Star Wars Costumes

What questions do you have for The Last Jedi going forward? How will you make it to Dec. 15, 2017?