Being Biased About Your Favorite Harry Potter Character: Sirius Black


When it comes to Sirius Black, I will defend him until my dying breath. But I’m aware that a huge part of it is my bias towards him as a character.

Hello again, your resident Sirius Black stan here ready to talk about my favorite character. This weekend I was harshly reminded that Sirius might not be everyone’s favorite character. My brain short-circuited at the thought and I instantly wanted to know how that was physically possible.

But then I thought about how many might not see his significance to Harry or they might not have been reminded of the death of a loved one in regards to Sirius when they read the book. Because really, we all have different experiences with these characters.

Still, it didn’t stop me from making this tweet.

Basically, this is a reminder that we don’t all have the same favorite character. That doesn’t discredit our favorites or make them less important but it does mean we need to be aware that not everyone is going to agree with us.

While you’re wrong if you don’t think Sirius is the most important figure in Harry’s life, I also need to accept that maybe I think that just because he is the most important character to me. So, I guess, we all need to realize that our favorites might not be everyone’s favorites. Even if whoever doesn’t like our favorites is completely wrong.

Next: Harry James Potter and Sirius Black: The Importance of Their Relationship

So whether you love him or not, Sirius Black is important. At least I think so and I’m writing this so guess you’ll have to just accept my bias for now. Do you have a favorite Harry Potter character that isn’t necessarily a main character? Sound off in the comments below and talk about your love of them!