“Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD” delves deeper into the Framework with Daisy and Simmons trying to find a way out. We’ve got the official synopsis.
If you want a fantastic alternate reality, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD has you covered.
Since coming back from its mini hiatus last week, we’ve seen Doctor Radcliffe’s Framework in action. And it is terrifying. May is top-tier at Hydra, but Fitz is actually higher than her and creepily non-nerdy. Ward is yet another double agent, except for the good guys this time (#NoWardRedemptionArc). And Coulson’s just a high school teacher.
That just remembered Daisy’s name. Oh man!
The official synopsis for you, courtesy of ABC:
"As Daisy and Simmons struggle to discover an escape route to the real world, the identity of the Inhuman leader of the Resistance is revealed."
Part of me has to believe that it’s Director Mace, especially since we saw him for the preview last week. And it would make sense that in the Framework, he is actually an Inhuman. You know, rather than just taking the shots to give him superhuman strength and stamina.
But you know what would be even better than Mace as the head of the Resistance?
Daisy’s dad, Cal Zabo.
Think about it! It makes sense that it would be him! He was always all-for the Inhumans. He even married one in Jiaying and rebuilt her with his own mad science to keep her alive. You know… aside from needing to devour live bodies to stay alive.
It makes perfect sense for him to be leading the resistance against Hydra in this universe, especially since Hydra is the one who killed Jiaying in the first place.
Come on, Agents of SHIELD, make it happen!
Next: Jessica Jones Adds Oscar Nominee Janet McTeer For Season 2
Agents of SHIELD airs new episode on Tuesdays at 10/9c. Stay tuned for recaps and analysis of every new episode right here on Culturess.