11 Actresses We Think Would Be Perfect to Play Batgirl in the DCEU

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Alycia Debnam-Carey (or Lindsey Morgan)

The 100 killed off Alycia Debnam-Carey right before she became too TV. But she was on the show just long enough to show us how cool she could be and to show off a bit of her athleticism. Basically, she looks cool in costume and girl can handle her weapons.

Plus, just consider the fanbase.

Killing Lexa off The 100 sparked a national conversation that still hasn’t died down to this day even though we’re coming up on the one-year anniversary. If she joined the DCEU, she’d be bringing along a powerful social media following, which is becoming one of the most powerful forms of currency in Hollywood. It’s kind of like how Christopher Nolan added Harry Styles to Dunkirk. It will pay off when his fanbase goes to see the movie — especially when Sign of the Times comes out.

But this isn’t about Harry. Though, Harry would probably make a nice Batgirl, too.

Then, we have Lindsey Morgan who played opposite Debnam-Carey in The 100 and was also awesome. Raven is as competent, gritty and all around worthy of being a leader. Plus, she’s still alive, so that’s cool. It’s difficult to pick which one’s cooler on TV, but Morgan’s a really cool person, too. So really, I gave you guys two for the price of one.