Daredevil Season 3 will Film Later this Year

Get excited, Daredevil fans! According to star Charlie Cox, the show’s highly anticipated third season will start filming later this year.

Daredevil is the granddaddy of the Marvel Netflix properties. As the first out of the gate for the collaboration, it served as an introduction to this Defenders universe and set the tone for much of everything else that would follow. Luckily for all of us, it was really good.

Season 1 was so good, in fact, that the show immediately received a Season 2 renewal. (To date, it’s the only Marvel Netflix property to air more than one season.) But we haven’t seen Daredevil since March 2016 and fans might be getting a little antsy after such a long hiatus. Happily, there’s finally some news on this front.

According to star Charlie Cox, production will begin on Daredevil’s third season later this year. During an appearance on the radio show Film and Telly Stuff with Luke and Al, Cox discussed a variety of topics, including his film career, the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general, and, of course, when we might see the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen again.

Cox confirmed that filming on the series’ third season would begin later this year.

"“I do that [Daredevil Season 3] later in the year. We’ll go back and do that.”"

Of course, “later this year” is also the vaguest possible answer you can give for a question like this. But at least it’s something. (The smart money is probably on the slightly less broad window of “Fall”, but that’s a complete guess.)

Marvel officially announced a third season for the show last summer, but there’s been little to no other information about what that might look like:

That has not stopped people from speculating, though. Even some of the series’ cast is in on the act.

Vincent D’Onofrio, who played the villainous Kingpin in the first two seasons, constantly gets asked about a possible return on Twitter. And if his replies are anything to go by, he’s super into the idea. (Basically: He would probably make an entire series about Wilson Fisk if someone would just let him do it already.) But, as of right now, he says he hasn’t heard anything about any potential Season 3 appearances yet.

Of course, D’Onofrio also completely bluffed about the fact that he was in Season 2 way back when. So take all this with a fairly massive grain of salt. (Personally, I doubt there’s any way that Fisk doesn’t pop up for at least a scene or two in Season 3. But let the man have his fun, I guess.)

Late 2017 production for Daredevil Season 3 likely means the series’ would make its way back to our screens in early 2018. The series’ first two seasons debuted in March, so that seems like kind of a safe bet to come out of the gate with. Let’s go with it.

Next: Pour a Glass, Production Began on Jessica Jones Season 2

In the meantime, don’t worry. Marvel doesn’t show any signs of slowing down its rapid Netflix release schedule. Still to come in 2017 is group team-up series The Defenders, scheduled to drop in August. And Jon Bernthal’s The Punisher spin-off, which filmed at the same time as Defenders, will likely also hit television screens this year. Jessica Jones’ long-awaited second season has finally started production. And there’s another season of Luke Cage in the works, too. (No word on a second season of Iron Fist yet. Though maybe that’s for the best?)