Brace Yourself for These “Spider-Man: Homecoming” Tidbits

“Spider-Man: Homecoming” is the third iteration of Spidey, but it looks like it will be different from the rest. With these tidbits, it’s looking good

Since Peter Parker showed up as a nerdy, awkward kid in Captain America: Civil War, fans have been waiting to see him in action. Even if this is yet another actor playing Spidey. He feels like a breath of fresh air, something we haven’t quite seen before. He feels like an actual kid.

Bustle has a list of 21 “clues” regarding Spider-Man: Homecoming, and honestly, reading through it just ramps up the excitement even more. We’ve got a few of the highlights for you below.

From “The Amazing Spider-Man,” photo credit Sony

Hooray! We won’t have to see Uncle Ben die!

I have made this comment in every single thing I write about Spider-Man: don’t make us watch Uncle Ben die again. It’s like Bruce Wayne’s parents: we know it happened, we don’t need to see it six different times.

Thankfully, Marvel and Sony won’t make us sit through it for a third time in this new installment.

Did you enjoy high school? Because we’re only in Peter’s sophomore year

Which means that sequels will include more high school. This only takes place a few months after the events ofCivil War, so Peter’s trying to readjust to normal life. So that means he was only a freshman when Tony Stark recruited him to fight against Cap, that’s crazy.

Fun fact: Tom Holland used a scene from Whiplash to audition

It’s an intense movie, so it certainly shows Tom Holland’s range. But what makes it kind of funny is that JK Simmons starred in Whiplash… and also played J. Jonah Jameson in the first three Spider-Man movies. To quote The Simpsons, “This has page one written all over it!”

Tony Stark will be a Dad Avenger this film

It’s easy to see it in the trailers and previews: Tony Stark thinks himself Peter’s father and vice versa. Stark doesn’t have any kids, Peter doesn’t have a male figure, it makes sense they might lean on each other a lot this film.

Plus, Tony is Peter’s link to the Avengers, and he’s going to hold onto that for dear life.

Next: Five Burning Questions We Have After the Latest “Spider-Man: Homecoming” Trailer

You can check out the rest of the tidbits over here. And Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters on July 7th.