25 reasons why Ben Wyatt from Parks and Recreation is the best

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11. Star Trek Fanfiction

When it comes to Star Trek, there is no one who loves it more than Ben Wyatt. He writes fanfiction, he analyzes it and you just know he pitched a Star Trek inspired name for their children that she quickly shot down.

In the clip above, Ben talks about Star Trek: Into Darkness before it has even been released. He talks about the sequel and the love story between Spock and Uhura and how the message boards were going crazy because it should have been Uhura and Kirk with the sexual tension.

The best part? That was all real at the time. People were going crazy over the alternate timeline the new movies created and the relationship between Zachary Quinto’s Spock with Zoe Saldana’s Uhura. Ben never really talked about the performance of Chris Pine as Captain Kirk but, if he’s anything like my real life brother who is just as bad as Ben when it comes to Star Trek, he probably doesn’t want to admit how good the performance really is.

But that’s not even the best Ben and Star Trek moment on the show. The best comes when he reads April his Data from Star Trek Next Generation fanfiction.