Photo: YouTube/ABC
Maddie and David
Moonlighting was network TV’s answer to His Girl Friday, and it was brilliant. if you don’t know that reference, you should stop immediately and watch Cary Grant and Rosalind Russel cleverly quip their way through a will they/won’t they relationship. It’s a classic you won’t be sorry you took the time to watch.
Maddie was the former model-turned-private-eye who was just trying to keep the lights on, and David was the cheeky, seasoned PI who convinces Maddie to team up with him in his agency. The two are very different, which causes a lot of interactions that would probably classify as verbal abuse today.
The fast-talking pair seemed like they could barely tolerate each other until their passion bubbled over and they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They didn’t have anything in common, aside from their mutual love for aggravating the other, and their constant bickering became the foundation for the show.
Although audiences loved their witty banter and fast-paced courting, in truth, they were more like two elementary school kids teasing each other on the playground, than two adults trying to enter into a relationship. This can grow wearying after a while. Thank goodness we only got it in one hour increments, once a week.