25 of the most toxic relationships on TV

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Photo: YouTube/WB

Joey and Dawson

I can file Dawson Leery right up there with Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries) among characters I really, really hate. He’s so obnoxious, self-righteous, and his head is shaped like an upside-down light bulb. Yes, that’s mean, but he shouldn’t be so judgmental and critical. He gets what he gets.

In this soapy, teen drama, Dawson is trapped in the world’s most unbelievable love triangle with girl-next-door, Joey, and his affable (and much dreamier) best friend Pacey. Although Joey, inexplicably, had a hard time deciding between the two. The poor girl was in a real life tug of war between two boys who desperately loved her, one of which would go on to make her miserable for years to come.

During the times she was with Pacey, she felt good about herself and blossomed under his sweet teen attention. However, during her ill-advised time with Dawson, he scrutinized and judged her, and made her feel like she wasn’t good enough.

In what universe, besides a fictional one, would a teenage James Van Der Beek be able to land a teenage Katie Holmes? If anybody tells you they were team Dawson, cut them out of your life immediately. You don’t need that kind of negativity around you.