25 reasons we want Daenerys Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne

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19. She’s devoted to her people

While it’s virtually impossible to please everyone, there’s some people who will never stop trying to make that a reality. They will sometimes put their life on the line if it means a majority of their people will survive and thrive. Out of all the rulers in the Game of Thrones universe, Dany is one who really looks out for the needs of all her people. And she has a lot of them to look over.

As we discussed earlier, one of Dany’s major policies is no slavery under her rule. It seems to be the most important rule for her to enforce because it’s something that completely dehumanizes a person. Making the people who follow you feel like their needs are welcomed and appreciated will only grow your own strength and power. And the most basic need you can offer someone is their humanity. Dany knows this, and it’s exemplified the moment she “bought” the Unsullied Army in Season 3’s “And Now His Watch Has Ended.” Although they quickly become her footsoldiers, she makes it clera they’re not required to fight for her. They can stay on if they choose to do so, and every single on eof them stays. That kind of devotion is mutual, and highly beneficial to a leader.

Dany has the same amount of respect for the weakest person under her rule as she does for the strongest. In the end, they’re her people. The Targaryen name carried her as she first started out, but her actions and love given by her followers is one of the many things that will keep her on top.