25 reasons we want Daenerys Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne

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12. She’s compassionate

We’ve said it before, but Dany really does look out for the little guy. She has the kind of quiet grace about her where if there was an issue that needed resolve, she’d be able to approach it with a level head. But this doesn’t mean she is devoid of feeling.

Take for example this Season 2 scene. One of Daenerys’s  Bloodiders, Rakharo,  comes back as nothing more than a head in a satchel. Irri, who had feelings for him, is absolutely beside herself. She’s worried Rakharo’s  body will not pass through the underworld properly. Dany finds it within herself to comfort the grieving woman. It’s true that she and all the remaining members of the khalasar are basically on the same level at this point, but we were able to see a softer side of the Dragon Queen.

This is a theme that continues the more ground she covers and the more followers she gains across the world. It’s very important for someone with such a high-ranking title to know the struggles of even the smallest person under her care. We know that if it came to it, Dany would find it in her and present that compassionate side in the correct circumstance.

But don’t ever mistake her kindness for weakness. Daenerys may smile in faces sometimes, but she knows when the charming mask needs to come off and the dragon needs to rear his head. We are sure to see many a bloody battle coming up in Season 7. We just hope that if there are any defeats, Dany won’t be too mad at those who led the charge.