25 reasons we want Daenerys Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne

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10. She doesn’t let anyone push her around

Tough ladies of Westeros roll call:  Sanza Stark? Check. Arya Stark? Check.  Cersei Lannistery? Why not. And of course, Daenerys Targaryen? Check and double-check. If you take a look online, you’re sure to find plenty of articles discussing the feminism that exists within the pockets of patriarchal societies found in the Known World. Thankfully, Dany was able to liberate the slave society there, and though she has a powerful army to back her, she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if it weren’t for her strong will to fight for what’s right.

After being pushed around by her brother for basically her entire life before the series, she learned pretty quickly as a Khaleesi that she actually had an element of power. It was almost as if she felt she was robbed of it for so long, being so young and so lost in the world. It took her only a short amount of time to find a strong foothold as a leader. That power continued to grow the larger her army became. While Dany walks softly and carries a big stick (as they say), she never comes across in a rude manner. She stands firm and solid in her belief system, giving her an edge over enemies that aim to only hurt her. Never forget what happened to  Kraznys mo Nakloz, who thought he could pull one over on our Dragon Queen.

We like to think that a part of Dany’s development into the strong woman that she is has a lot to do with her very first and so far only love: Khal Drogo. And speaking of Khal Drogo…