All of Outlander Season 1 Episodes: Ranked

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8. “Castle Leoch” Episode 2

In our second episode, we find Claire at Castle Leoch; the stronghold of the McKenzie clan. Mackenzie members arrive with any injured Jamie and a suspected English spy in Claire. Clearly, Claire plans to return to Inverness to hopefully get back home, but the Laird of the castle, Colum has other plans. Her healing powers have just made her the healer for the entire castle. What the episode did so well is exposing how different Claire is from the rest of the group. They did this by having the other members of the clan speaking in Gaelic. This kept her at a true disadvantage since she didn’t know what they were saying. As the viewer, you feel just as isolated as Claire. The Mackenzie’s do try to ply Claire with wine to find out who she is but little do they know she can drink like a fish. Claire also meets Geillis Duncan for the first time. Could she have just found a friend?

One of the highlights of the episode is Claire’s, interaction with Jamie. And one must not forget the shirtless solemn oath Jamie made to Claire.

"“You need not be scairt of me, nor anyone else here, so long as I’m with ye.”"

While he may be warning her to be safe when he’s not around, we can help but fan ourselves and wish him never to leave our side.

We love Mrs. Fitz from the book and the show. It’s a shame more wasn’t done with her character in both mediums.