15 Episodes of The West Wing We Need Now More Than Ever

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1.06 Mr. Willis of Ohio

Unusual and sad circumstances leave Mr. Willis, the husband of the late Congresswoman Janice Willis, with his wife’s seat in government. He is a man with no experience in politics and no agenda – just a man filling his wife’s seat until someone better and more suited for the job comes along. When a heft appropriations bill is on the table, one which the president is poised to sign with the exception of one provision, Mr. Willis takes the time with (a begrudged) Toby to understand what is on the table and what he is voting on.

Even when Toby tells him he will keep him there as long as it takes to convince Mr. Willis to the provision regarding sampling for the census, despite his non-refundable plane tickets, Willis says that’s just fine – he needs to have the facts and understand before he makes any decisions.

Though a long day, with plenty of other storylines weaved throughout the episode, Toby takes the time and Mr. Willis comes to a decision. When watching the House vote the next day, when Mr. Willis is called to vote and votes yes, Toby talks about meeting the unusual man, who came in with no agenda, no politics in mind, just a genuine desire to understand what was in front of him and make the right decision. He hadn’t been afraid to admit he didn’t know – he just wanted to learn.

Hear that, Trump? A man with no experience in politics, and little to no understanding of the government, taking the time to ask questions and learn before making an informed decision?

What a novel idea.