15 Episodes of The West Wing We Need Now More Than Ever

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1.09: The Short List

When Supreme Court Justice Crouch decides to retire, President Bartlet and his administration are left with the task of nominating a new, esteemed judge to the position. Bartlet eyes his favorite for the task, Judge Harrison, while Justice Crouch pushes for him to consider another, Judge Mendoza. But when Bartlet’s team discovers a legal memo that Harrison had written that wasn’t exactly what they expected – some controversial stances on privacy issues – they finally sit down to quiz and fully vet him.

It’s then that they realize that Harrison isn’t the right pick. The decision had been too hasty, too favored and too uninformed.

Mostly what we can take away from this – Supreme Court nominations are not to be made hastily, lightly and by no means does favoritism and bias have a place. Decisions that affect the country as a whole, that affect law and quite strongly influence the direction of history are serious matters. They are meant for the best candidate – not a favorite. Do the homework, and understand their career and any controversy that may have followed – it’s worth the extra efforts.